Sunday, May 14, 2006

Just in Case I Was...

...tempted to act like a diva on Mother's Day.
...irritated that no one unloaded the dishwasher for me today.
...focused on how messy the house was when I got home instead of the wonderful time I had when I got out and went to a movie.

Just in case any of these things were true, I was sent a waitress tonight at dinner who said our family reminded her fondly of her own, except for she had more kids. Ten, in fact. And 25 grandkids. And 4 great grandkids. And yet there she was, waiting tables on Mother's Day, not a decendent in sight to cater to her. Instead, she gave me a flower and catered to my kids.

Thoroughly humbled, I have decided instead to...

...remember that I was awakened by five small bodies crowded into my bed at an unreasonable hour and that, really, there is no way I would rather wake up.
...picture the menagerie of homemade gifts and cards that have come home from school over the last few days and the enthusiastic way in which they were given to me, and be glad that there is no gift I would rather receive at any price. grateful that my family surrounded me tonight at the dinner table (and were reasonably well-behaved), and that both Jay and I got to see and spend time with our own mothers today as well.

It was indeed a very happy Mother's Day.


Annie Bizzi said...

This sounds all too familiar--except for our Mother's Day celebration, our landlord decided she wanted to come by to show the house to a possible buyer! We had a lovely 2-hour drive along Stinson Beach and the day was more clear and beautiful than I have ever seen. Of course the drive ended up at In and Out Burger (guess who's idea that was) and then home to relax in a temporarily spotless house! Being with the children, however, was and always is the highlight!

Suzanne Di Silvestri said...

Living in a home with 4 children while it is for sale is my idea of a nightmare. Hang in there...only a few more weeks!

Thanks for your comment.