This made it through my high-efficiency washer and commercial-level dryer practically unscathed. I could actually feed these to my children still.
Truly amazing. And a little scary.
A place of retreat for this mother of seven (currently fighting Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer) to speak on the joys and challenges of life for a Catholic family immersed in American culture.
Sounds like it belongs in my pantry!! Wasn't it Jay who many years ago said something along the lines of...."Jennifer, you will live forever with all the preservatives you eat!"
Yes! When I was planning your wedding shower and looking for a theme, he suggested, "How about food with a shelf life of 25 years?"
I think "Christmas ornaments for their first tree" was a better choice, don't you?
Hmm..that shade of orange sort of matches the color of that Orange Chicken dish you love so much. Am I seeing a connection here?
Orange chicken isn't orange, silly! It is a very appealing brownish color, like a very good glazed old fashioned donut...
No, I save the flourescent colored cheese products for the kids. (Although I have to cop to the occasional cheetoh--those are yummy.)
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