Monday, September 03, 2007

And You Thought Nothing Grew in the Desert

Well, you're partially right. Nothing you WANT to grow in the desert grows naturally.

But weeds sure do.

Normally I love our big lot. I love that the kids have tons of room to run, that we have room for a pool and a play area, that we are not right on top of our neighbors. However, when I am weeding (which, incidentally, is all I seem to have been doing for weeks now), I am cursing our abundant land with every yank.

"Why," I think to myself as my back locks into a half-bent-over position, "didn't we find ourselves a nice home with only a patio? Or something in a high rise? Or, even better, a house with no landscaping at all aside from the natural vegetation that takes care of itself?" And then, I am inevitably reminded that we have six children that really like to run and tumble, and--oh, yeah--there IS no natural vegetation here other than Joshua trees, and the whole house decision makes sense once again.

I thought I was really clever as I began my weeding hour(s) today in my bathing suit. How refreshing it will be, I thought, to simply jump in the pool when I get too hot. And it WAS it pretty good idea, as the water felt heavenly when I did just that. However, I failed to account for the fact that my back never gets sun and that I would be bent over, back up to the sun, for quite some time. So, now I am enjoying a painful sunburn to go along with the crick in my back. And the strained hamstrings. And the thorns in my fingers because I was too lazy to go get my gloves.

But, hey, I sure got a lot of weeds. A whole yard-waste container full of them. And I can enjoy looking at my weed-free yard for a least three or four days before they all grow back again.


Anonymous said...

At least you have sun. It is raining AGAIN!! It has rained everyday for the past 2 months. Do I live in San Antonio or Seattle? With all this rain I have weeds that look like medium size trees! I can't pull them I have to chainsaw them. By the way Jeff broke his hand a couple days ago, we go to the orthopedic specialist today. Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Just in case I can't call I wanted you to know I was thinking about you.

Qtpies7 said...

I have NO desire to move back to Pheonix! I'll take MN, even with our weeds, and our snow. The desert had its good points, but mostly not so good. I like having a grassy yard without the waterbill. (which looked like we lived in Pheonix this last month, YIKES!)