Friday, March 20, 2009

Wish I Were Him

How come adults never get to go on field trips like this one? Thanks to my friend Julie who took these beautiful pictures so I could experience Tony's field trip to Uncle Andy's Donut Shop from my command post in bed (and thanks to grandma for taking him).


Anonymous said...

How come adults never get to go on field trips like this one?
CUZ it's Lent !!

Anonymous said...

We were getting ready to post our pictures of the field trip on our blog as well. We thought Uncle Andy might have a website we could give some link-love to, so we googled "Uncle Andy's Donut Shop" and instead we stumbled onto your site.

It looks like Hannah and Tony are in the same class. If you'd like to see other pictures of the field trip, ours are at

Hope you feel better.

Mike, Bernadette, Hannah and Michaela